Hello, summer, you’re here at last! There are lots of events for families going on this month, with Canada Day celebrations to kick it all off. Plus, check out our round-up of free things to do with the kids in Thunder Bay all summer long.
Sunday July 1
Canada Day Celebration, West Thunder Community Centre
Celebrate the holiday with mini golf, pony rides, bouncy castles, live music, good eats and lots more at West Thunder Community Centre. Free admission, 11am-4pm.
More info West Thunder Community Centre on Facebook
Canada Day on the Waterfront, Prince Arthur's Landing
Lots of activities, lots of food, lots of music, lots of fireworks, lots of fun! Free admission,
More info Thunder Bay Culture & Events on Facebook
Canada Day, Fort William Historical Park
Take a canoe ride, build and float a mini-boat down the canal, try a little axe-throwing, do crafts, listen to live music, eat Canada Day cake, visit the farm, test your wits with a scavenger hunt and more, all at Fort William Historical Park. 10am-5pm, admission required.
More info www.fwhp.ca
Canada Day at SGBC
This family-friendly event has local food vendors, live music, a bouncy castle, Science North interactive booth (and of course, grown-up beverages).12-5pm, $5 admission and kids under 18 free.
More info www.sleepinggiantbrewery.ca
Saturday July 7
Embracing Life Youth Festival, 380 Ray Blvd.
The Ontario Native Women’s Association hosts this youth-centred event which offers music and art workshops, food, and live music and comedy performances. 4-10:30pm.
More info ONWA on Facebook
Tuesday July 10
Teddy Bears Picnic, Vickers Park
Bring your littles and your teddies to the park for an afternoon of crafts, activities and entertainment, plus a teddy bear parade and a boo-boo station to fix up those bears who have been loved a lot. Free, noon-4pm.
More info www.thunderbay.ca
Saturday July 14
Family Day, Founders’ Museum & Pioneer Village
Come dressed as a pioneer and you may win a prize! Tour this reproduction of an old-time village, plus there’s also live music, food vendors and kids’ games and activities. 12-4:30pm, admission by donation.
More info Founders’ Museum & Pioneer Village on Facebook
Friday July 20
Healthy Parks Healthy People, all Ontario Provincial Parks
All Ontario provincial parks have a free day use pass today—check out the trails, water and family activities at Sleeping Giant or Kakabeka Falls!
More info www.ontarioparks.com
Saturday July 21
Festival of India, Marina Park
A longtime TBay favourite, the Festival of India offers a free vegetarian feast, live music and dancing, chariot parade, educational exhibits and kids’ activities.
Free admission, starts at 3pm. Rain date July 22.
More info www.IndiaFestTbay.com
Sunday July 22
Hazelwood Family Fun Day, Hazelwood Conservation Area
Take your pick: canoe, kayak, SUP, falconry and drone demos, geocaching, yummy food and displays, exhibits and activities from outdoorsy community organizations. Free, 10am-3pm.
More info LRCA on Facebook
Thursday July 26-Sunday July 29
James and the Giant Peach, Prince Arthur's Landing Spirit Garden
Roald Dahl’s weird but kid-friendly James and the Giant Peach comes to the outdoor Superior Theatre Festival this year. Tickets required and rain location is Urban Abbey.
More info www.superiortheatrefestival.com
Saturday July 28
7th Annual Fat Guys Auto Parts Car Show, 333 Memorial Ave.
Vroom! This is the place to be for kids that like cars. Check out street rods, collector cars, custom cars, antiques and “special interest” vehicles. Tala the Clown will also be there for face painting and glitter tattoos. Free admission, 11am-3pm.
More info www.fatguyscarshow.com
Saturday July 28-Sunday July 29
Buskers Festival, Bay & Algoma
More than 40 performers will be circulating during this year’s festival, with plenty of cool skills to wow the kids. Free, 10:30am-5pm.
More info www.bayalgoma.com
Keep on top of all the fun stuff for families in TBay with tbaywithkids.ca. Follow us on Facebook too!