If you want to make your family’s holidays more about the memories and less about the stuff, you’ve got lots of options! Here’s what’s going on for Thunder Bay families in December 2017, from the holiday train to breakfast with Santa to Christmas movies, plays and concerts.
December 1
Holiday Train, Syndicate Avenue Train Depot
A thousand-foot-long, 14-car train decorated with hundreds of thousands of lights is a great way to kick off December. Bring a donation for the food bank and watch the live concert by Colin James and Emma-Lee. 8:30 pm, free.
More info CPR on Facebook
December 1-18
Storytime with Santa, Intercity Mall
Take the littles to hear Santa read a story every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 10:45am. Plus, your child could win the book that Santa reads. Free. (For the pictures with Santa schedule, click here).
More info www.intercityshoppingcentre.com
Month of December
Various events, Thunder Bay Public Library
From screenings of holiday movies to Christmas puppet shows and concerts, there’s lots going on at all four branches of the TBPL all month long. Free.
More info www.tbpl.ca
December 2 Parade of Lights, Memorial Road area
For 19 years, trucks and floats decorated with holiday lights have lit up the night and raised money for local charities. Toot toot! Route: Starting at Main Street, turning onto the Harbour Expressway, then Memorial and Fort William Road.
More info www.paradeoflights.ca
December 2 and 13
Miracle on 34th Street, Silvercity Watch one of your holiday movie faves on the big screen (and maybe bring a few generations of your family!) Showings at 12:55 pm on December 2 and 7pm on December 13.
More info www.cineplex.com
December 3
Breakfast with Santa, North McIntyre Rec Centre
Have breakfast with the big guy himself. From 9-11am, enjoy Finn pancakes, scrambled eggs, sausages, juice, coffee and tea, visit with Santa and do a craft. Tickets required.
More info North McIntyre Rec Centre on Facebook
December 7
Who-ville in Vic-ville, Victoriaville
Go caroling, get a selfie with Santa or the Grinch and enter the ugly Christmas sweater concert, plus all kids get a free stocking. Free, 6-8:30pm.
More info Fort William Business District on Facebook
December 7-21
Miracle on 34th Street, Magnus Theatre
Introduce the kids to the classic Christmas movie, but this time it’s adapted for live theatre. Tickets required.
More info www.magnustheatre.com
December 9
Some Kinda Christmas Show, Thunder Bay Community Auditorium
This variety show has been entertaining TBay families for 23 years with comedy, song, cartoons and dance. 2pm, free admission with food bank donation.
More info Some Kinda Christmas Show on Facebook
December 9-10
Ignite the Fort, and Star of Bethlehem, Fort William Historical Park
FWHP offers two events this weekend: first, Ignite the Fort from 4-7pm with a giant tree-lighting ceremony, caroling, wagon rides and toy-making; then the Star of Bethlehem event from 7-9pm, where you can do some star-gazing at the observatory. Admission required.
More info www.fwhp.ca
December 10
Canada 150 Skating Day, Fort William Gardens
Lace up the skates and put on a helmet: it’s a public skate afternoon at the Gardens in honour of Canada 150. Free, 2-4pm.
More info Fort William Gardens on Facebook
December 16
Holiday Pops, Thunder Bay Community Auditorium
Get your Christmas music fix, performed with style by the Thunder Bay Symphony Orchestra and a family-friendly start time of 7pm. Admission required.
More info www.tbso.ca
December 21
Celtic Christmas Ceilidh, Red Lion Smokehouse At this all-ages show, get jiggy with traditional Celtic music, singing and dancing. $5 cover, proceeds to Shelter House. More info Red Lion Smokehouse on Facebook
Looking for info on New Year's Eve/First Night celebrations for families in Thunder Bay? Stay tuned. If we find 'em, we'll share the info.
Don't miss out on the fun! Like tbaywithkids.ca on Facebook and see posts and info about family-friendly activities in Thunder Bay.