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13 fun ways for families to celebrate Halloween in TBay, Oct 27-31, 2017

Wondering about Halloween events for Thunder Bay kids and parents? Look no further! Here's a roundup of what's going on this weekend and on the big day too, including free community parties and cool trick-or-treating opportunities.

Friday October 27

Halloween Party, Thunder Bay Multicultural Association

Dress up, eat pizza and then walk down to Prince Arthur’s Landing together to watch Harry Potter on the big screen.

More info Thunder Bay Multicultural Association on Facebook

Movie Night on the Waterfront, Marina Park

The last outdoor movie of the year is Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone, starting around 6:30pm. Dress warmly and get ready to see Harry, Hermione, Ron and the rest of the Hogwarts crew on the big screen for free. Sweet North Bakery is serving up a special Harry Potter-themed menu, and there will be fires so you can warm up when you need to.

Saturday October 28

Halloween Market, Thunder Bay Country Market

Dress up and go trick-or-treating at participating booths—yum! Free.

More info Thunder Bay Country Market on Facebook

Various events, Thunder Bay Public Library

Head to the Waverly branch for a puppet show, Old Witch Rescues Halloween, plus some family-friendly spooky activities, running from 10:30-11:15 am. Then at the County Park branch, kids 5 and up can party at a Monster High-themed Halloween event from 2:30-3:30. Free; registration required for Monster High party.

More info and click on What’s Happening

Victoriaville Halloween Bash

Wear a costume, carve a pumpkin, snack on treats, play games and more at Victoriaville. 11 am-2pm, free admission.

More info Fort William Business District on Facebook

Family Halloween Movie Day, West Thunder Community Centre Kick back and watch not one but two Halloween movies: It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown and Tim Burton's The Nightmare Before Christmas. 1-4pm; admission free with a non-perishable food donation. More info West Thunder Community Centre on Facebook

Community Halloween Party, Valley Central School

Take a little drive to the country for a community Halloween party, including costume prizes, games, and treats. 2-4pm, admission $1 plus a non-perishable food item donation.

More info Valley Central School on Facebook

Halloween Lunch and Market, St. Paul’s Anglican Church

This fun fundraiser for Blessings in a Backpack includes a $3 kid-friendly lunch (grilled cheese or hot dog plus treat), costume parade, face-painting, a dress-up truck, monster munchies games and more. 11:30am-2pm, free admission.

More info St. Paul's Anglican Church on Facebook

Sunday October 29

Symphony Spooktacular, Grassroots Church

Thunder Bay Symphony Orchestra playing spooky versions of Halloween songs—what a cool way to spend a Sunday afternoon (and the musicians are in costume, of course). Fee for admission.

More info

Halloween Safety, Thunder Bay Police Station

Say hello to police officers, learn some important safety tips for Halloween, pick up a loot bag and get your picture taken at the Halloween photo booth! Free. 1-3pm.

More info Thunder Bay Police Service on Facebook

Tuesday October 31

Daytime Halloween Party, Maple Tops

Your little ones will dig playtime, games, a costume parade, prizes and even a candy toss at Maple Tops. 11am-1pm, $10 admission, which includes pizza, drink and a treat.

More info Maple Tops on Facebook

Malloween, Intercity Shopping Centre

Kids not into dark streets and unknown houses? Participating retailers will be handing out candy for little trick-or-treaters in costume. Free, 4-6pm.

More info Intercity Shopping Centre on Facebook

Trunk or Treat, First Christian Reformed Church, Rosslyn

A twist on the traditional: Go trick-or-treating at a gathering of decorated cars and trucks! 6-8:30pm. Free.

More info First Christian Reformed Church on Facebook

Don’t miss out on the fun! Follow on Facebook to see regular updates about family-friendly activities.

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