Pumpkins, corn mazes, tractors! Take a country drive to check out the fun family activities going on in the Thunder Bay area this fall.
Belluz Farms Fall Wonderland
Fall Wonderland activities run weekends from September 28-October 27, including Thanksgiving Monday. Take a farm wagon tour, do a little pumpkin bowling, make some crafts, ride a pony, visit the animals, wind your way through the two-acre corn maze and try a hidden pumpkin hunt. You can also buy some fall treats at the café and fresh produce at the farm store. Free admission, some activities have a fee. 11am to 5pm. Note that the September 28 special event Pumpkin Mania 2019, by the Thunder Bay and District Giant Pumpkin Growers .
does have an admission fee of $2 per person or $5 per vehicle.
More info www.belluzfarms.on.ca
Vanderwees Funland
Open for fall weekends, Vanderwees Home & Garden has kid activities like an inflatable slide, pedal go-karts, rotating rides with ships and helicopters, an inflatable corn maze, pillow jumper and kid-sized train. You can also play a round of mini-golf, visit the animal farm that’s home to pigs, goats and alpacas, snack at the café, use the sandbox toys and take a mini-hike on the nature trail. 11am to 4pm on weekends, per-activity fees apply. (They hope to be open until Thanksgiving weekend but availability will be weather-dependent.)
More info www.vanderweeshomeandgarden.com
Gammondale Farm 25th Annual Pumpkinfest
On fall weekends from September 28 to October 27, Gammondale Farm offers more than 20 indoor and outdoor family-friendly activities. Take your pick from tractor rides, a corn maze, scavenger hunt, a boo barn, corn cannon, pumpkin sling shot, draft horse rides and Canada’s largest pumpkin catapult. Then refuel with a caramel apple sundae or slice of pumpkin pie. 11am-5pm; admission $12 per person, cash only and some activities have additional fees. Open rain or shine.
More info www.gammondalefarm.com
And while you’re in the Slate River Valley area…
Stop by Thunder Oak Cheese Farm to see how their yummy cheese is made (open Monday to Saturday), and pull up to Slate River Dairy drive-thru (open Tuesday to Saturday) to stock up on local milk, cocoa milk and yogurt.
Don't miss out! Like us on Facebook to see updates on Thunder Bay family fun throughout the month.