Do you have what it takes to do the Countdown Escape Rooms? Escape rooms began in Japan about 10 years ago and are now found all over the world. Countdown Escape Rooms in Thunder Bay are a great place to go with friends and family for a good time. It is a series of rooms with different themes, and everyone has to work together to solve puzzles, challenges and clues. The rooms currently include Thrones and Dragons, Sabotage, The Cabin, The Will, Survive, and Escape from Grade 5. Coming in early 2020: The Collector.
The rooms we tried
The Will is the easiest room of the four but is still very challenging. In it you are in a race against the clock as you try to find where Abigail Winchester, the rich lady with no heir, hid her fortune.
The Cabin is the scariest room. Your car breaks down you try to find safety but instead you find a tall Mountain Man standing over a body. You run to get away from him and find a cabin. You and your group race to find clues to escape as The Mountain Man is always behind you!
Escape from Grade 5 is the second hardest room. In this escape room you are trying to raise your grade from a F to an A. Do all you can to get out but be careful or you’ll get detention.
[2019/20 update: This room is currently closed, with Part 2 coming soon!] The Explorer's Den is the hardest room out of all four rooms. Your dad writes a letter saying he needs your help back home, but when you get there he’s gone! Then the hunt starts, where you search for the clues to find out where he went and what happened.
The owners
Owners Mario and Marcy Audet opened the rooms because they visited one in Winnipeg and decided their version to Thunder Bay. It takes them two to six months to create a room. The owners have plans to start changing the rooms when they get all six rooms up and running. The owners come up with the ideas by props they see, and their staff suggest ideas too.
Reasons to visit
The rooms are super-fun and challenging! All the rooms will make you think really hard and use your hour carefully to escape.
It's a great thing to do with a group because it boosts collaboration skills and teaches you how to work together with friends or family. Believe me, you will find out if your group works well together or not.
It's exciting! In every single room you are always wondering what is going to happen next. Will you be able to get out alive?
We thought that the Countdown Escape Rooms were so much fun to be in and that groups big and small would enjoy it!
More info Countdown Escape Rooms Thunder Bay
246 Cumberland Street North, Thunder Bay
[top picture: Totally smart Grade 7s from Open Roads Public School, Dryden]
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